Best buds till the end!!

Best buds till the end!!

Friday, February 15, 2008


yo i just found thi spoem i heard it when i watched coach carter i thought yall shoudl all have a read of it cause it is so so so so true

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear isthat we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not ourdarkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to bebrilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you notto be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve theworld. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is withinus. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let ourown light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to dothe same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presenceautomatically liberates others."

Do WhaT MAkEs U HaPpY B WiT WHo Makes U SmilE LAugh As Much as U bReatHE & LuV AS LoNg aS u Live!!

whiles typing this blog i had no idea what to say.
i thought for ages n ages, n nothing came 2 mind. its like of late i say something then 5 minutes later i ask the same question i swear im going senial in my old age lol.

Of late i have been great me n steve have been 2gether for 4 moths last friday the 15th seems like so much longer but yeah 4 months!!

i have decided that i have come up with a new saying that im gunna try
Do WhaT MAkEs U HaPpY B WiT WHo Makes U SmilE LAugh As Much as U bReatHE & LuV AS LoNg aS u Live!!
i think it really sums up too me that just be happy, do anything that makes u happy and dont regreat anything.

as i said this blog is mostly bout nothing exciting i just felt the need to post another one since its been so long lol!

tc all and dont 4 get
Do WhaT MAkEs U HaPpY B WiT WHo Makes U SmilE LAugh As Much as U bReatHE & LuV AS LoNg aS u Live!!
it will truly bring happeness to you!! :)

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Understanding Analysis!

i am reading this book called understanding analysis, it seems interesting its a steve book of maths n i was like hmm! so im gunna try n read it in a week! 249 pages.
i no that i can do it lol.

last night we all went out was pritty good night played bowling was a bit stupid but yeah, then we all went 2 flannies was pritty good fun! people donated too the mel get drunk foundation lol was queit funny people got out all there poo change and gave it to me it was $9.40 lol! was quiet funny, and steve got his 2 bourbon and cokes so thanks people for donating!!

im really excited next saturday its jess birthday party a loft im so excited!

well as of today i have decide im going to mature up a bit and stop being a child! i think the time has come. well take care yall!!